Don't give up on us yet!!
The summer has been busy, but I convinced Mommy she should make a little time for the blog for those of you that are still checking on us!
We had a few cabin trips, a fun party and of course just some regular, relaxing, fun summer stuff!
Our most recent trip was to Lake Osakis with Daddy's family. Since it was our first time at
this lake, we took a little boat ride to check out the lake.

After ALOT of encouragement and some help from Mommy, I made my way to the top of this slide in the lake. The trip down was pretty fun!

The Ryan cousins: Jay, Kaelynn, Lily and Wesley

a paddle boat ride with Daddy and Lily

Jay and Daddy lounging at the beach before heading home.

movie night under the fort on a cool, summer night

Bubbles at Papa and Grammy's cabin the end of July.

Jay loved making and chasing bubbles!

Swimming lessons with Aunt Missy:
learning to jump into the water, some floating and kicking too
(very unlike my cousins Jacey and Morgan who have no fear and do this at their own will!)

Yay! I passed!

Snapper taking a rest from chasing ducks

Jay's favorite way to get a ride

doing a little fishing off the dock

a big hug from Aunt Missy on the pontoon

enjoying our hammock...always lots of laughter on this!

breaking in our new sandbox

The family about to celebrate Daddy's golden birthday

Jay and friend Cameron Agenten playing during the party

me and the cousins: Morgan and Jacey taking a break from our meal to take a picture.

a pontoon ride at Papa and Grammy's cabin over the 4th of July

Jay testing out the water

Papa getting one giant hug

so excited to have the whole weekend with each other!

sharing a little love!